Rachel Sequoia is the speaker for the movement 'share the air'. The goal for 'share the air' is to fly a group of highly trained 'air professionals' around the world to exotic places and bring jars full of air back to America. The air will be released into a greenhouse and when the plants adsorb that air they will multiply it and thus multiply the positive energy radiating from that air. Another way of saying this is the plan is to waste people's time and money. To be honest I think she stole this idea from the Lottery West ad.
Here is the link to her upcomming site: http://sharetheair108.com/
Friday, 17 June 2011
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Injustices: Breve's Fate
Today we mourn the best character in television history. Of course, I am talking about the baby robot Breve from Sarah Silverman. Although he may have only been in one episode, he made the show. Unfortunately his life was cut short by the bastards at the FBI. We miss you, Breve. Rest in peace.
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Injustices: My Continuing Absense
With exams right around the corner I havent had a lot of time to goodle random stuff whenever I feel like it and this is why there has not been a great deal of content, but do not stress! In a week or two exams will be dead and we will be able to spend more time together. Until then though I will be very absent. Gosh darn it.
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Justices: Genius Script Writing Part 2
This clip focuses more on the acting side of things. It is a scene from the mindblowing blockbuster Troll 2.
Since blogger is beign a bitch i'll just put up the link. Damn you blogger.
Also this is just a taste of the horrible acting and bad script writing. For a full understanding of how terrible this movie really is, rent it out. Its worth it.
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Justices: Genius Script Writing
This is what I like to see. No beating around the bush, no dillydallying, no clever innuendo. Its just direct, effective and efficient. I think the writers of today could learn a lot from this naked lady.
Did you see the connection? Acting at its finest.
I hope she won.
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Justices: Gnome Chompski
Josh showed me this fan made video today. It was a game trailer made by using Garry's Mod and other stuff. It was maybe one of the coolest things I have ever seen, but it raised a valuable in my mind. Why has this game not been made yet!?!?
Monday, 2 May 2011
Injustices: School
As the end of our freedom hangs right around the corner and as we get ready for school, I came across something shocking. Something that made school seem obsolete. I realized that car window washing is cool.
According to Real Stories:
$1.68 per car every light cycle
x 33 light cycles/hr
x 8 hours
= $1153.16
x 6 days
x 50 weeks
= S288, 888/year
Just in case any family is reading this, I'm not really considering this as a career. Still though, pretty impressive
According to Real Stories:
$1.68 per car every light cycle
x 33 light cycles/hr
x 8 hours
= $1153.16
x 6 days
x 50 weeks
= S288, 888/year
Just in case any family is reading this, I'm not really considering this as a career. Still though, pretty impressive
Sunday, 1 May 2011
Truths: Politics Can Be Interesting
Now some people might be saying that "Australian politics is boring!" NOT TRUE! Yes, most of the time it can be a little slow, but if you can push through you will be totally rewarded and witness something awesome and hilarious.
Also the Ukraine has some pretty awesome politics. The brawl over the Black Sea vote was pretty epic.
Senator Fisher for prime minister.
Also the Ukraine has some pretty awesome politics. The brawl over the Black Sea vote was pretty epic.
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Justices: Wayne's World
When I said Revenge of The Nerds is the best movie of all time, I lied. I have many favorite movies. Wayne's World is one of them. Seriously, this movie has no flaws apart from the fact that it eventually ends, but there is always Wayne's World 2. My brother pointed out to me that this movie was shot in just two weeks. This just highlights Mike Myers' genius. Every scene of this movie is hilarious and it is all thanks to the acting of that man. I would be happy if Mike Myers was the main actor in every film. Also if Robert De Niro and Mathew Broderick co-starred this would please me aswell. Anyway, you have not lived until you have watched this film, rent it out.
Also rent out Revenge of The Nerds and Taxi Driver. They are good too.
Friday, 29 April 2011
My Absence
Embarrassing. Not a hide nor hair of warning was put up that I was leaving for a week. Well I am back now, with many great stories and many crappy photos taken of the great adventure up north. I learned to master the ancient camera, bent my toenail back (it hurt) and climbed a big hill.
Regular posting will restart right away.
Regular posting will restart right away.
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Stuff I Find In My House: The Ancient Camera
As I was looking through boxes and bins I found my family's old camera. At first I thought it would be a point and shoot sort of thing, but as I went to take a photo with the film I just put in, a bunch of adjustable numbers came up that ranged form 1 - 8000. I looked in the box I found the camera from and there was a bunch of different memory cards, or atleast I thought they were memory cards, but on closer inspection, I found they are actually effect cards that you need to change over depending on what type of photo you are trying to take. I was overwhelmed with confusion. I felt like my grandparents, but instead of struggling to understand the technology of the present, I was struggling with the technology of the past. I dropped the camera, ran and never looked back. Yay for digital.
I took these photos with my digital.
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Justices: Keenan Is Super Famous
Youtube comments can be mean. Hurtful things are often said. Keenan had a lot of criticism thrown his way. Thankfully now he can look back and tell the youtube haters to suck it because he is more famous and successful then they will ever be. KEENAN WINS!
The One Week Anniversarry
Well this is fantastic. The blog has stayed up for one week, let us hope it lasts a few more. I remember back in the day, seven days ago when I thought to myself "Hmm. I should start a blog." and then I did it. Wonderful.
I'm thinking of changing the name by the way. There are probably at least 1000 blogs of similar names, seems a bit unoriginal. Hopefully the blog should be dramatically different by the next seven days.
I'm thinking of changing the name by the way. There are probably at least 1000 blogs of similar names, seems a bit unoriginal. Hopefully the blog should be dramatically different by the next seven days.
My Friend Herman Higgins
Herman Higgins is a funny fellow. He doesnt beleive in watching TV or playing video games. He doesnt eat, drink, speak, sleep or breathe. And he certainly doesn't live. This is because he is dead.
RIP Herman Higgins.
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Word Of The Week: Spondonicle
Spondonicle has a range of meanings. Three Stooges says it is a piece of surgical equipment, but the word also means a piece of camping equipment that acts as a handle to an overheated pot. Spondonicle is not an official word, but more Australian slang. Maybe that's why it was so hard to find a definition.
Justice: Revenge of The Nerds!
After watching Revenge of The Nerds for the hundredth time, I decided that there is no movie I actually like more. It has it all; robots, nudity, Talking Heads, Lizzie McGuire's dad. If you ever get the chance to see it, seize the opportunity.
Clap your hands everybody.
Justices: Staying Up Late On The Holidays
Yeah I know its 3 in the mornin', but whateva. I do what I want. You don't control me, mum and dad. Only when school starts, but until then i will continue to sit in a dark room on my computer and hope you dont wake up and see me typing away. This is the sign of true holiday rebelion.
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Truths: Blade-less Fans Exist
Dyson just invented a blade-less fan called the air multiplier. How is this possible!?!?!
What is it? How does it? I don't even... IMPOSSIBLE!
Injustices: Hilarious Pranks
The definition of prank is thrown around a lot these days. A prank is something that requires creativity and planning, not just hitting someone in the face or punching them in the spine.
This is an example of a well thought out prank.
Just like in the Parent Trap!
These pranks take time, but they pay off.
These pranks take time, but they pay off.
This is an example of a bad 'prank'
Funny, but were is the creativity?
We need a new word for these videos, because they may be funny, but they are most defiantly not pranks.Monday, 18 April 2011
Justices: The Fact Custard Buns Exist
Justices: Exploiting Educational Websites
Wacky Web Tales could be the most fun you've ever had on the internet. Depending on your matuirty level. Just fill in the blanks with swears and view your creation. Good times ahead.
Link: http://www.eduplace.com/tales/
Link: http://www.eduplace.com/tales/
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Justices: Puppy Finally Gets Up
He did it all by himself. The camera man should feel ashamed.
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Truths: Cats Are Jerks
All cats are bastards. You do nothing but give, they do nothing but take and are they grateful? No. The reason crazy people have so many cats is because they arent getting enough affection or gratitude from just the one. Get a dog.
Evidence that cats are jerks: http://www.catsthatlooklikehitler.com/cgi-bin/seigbest.pl
Evidence that cats are jerks: http://www.catsthatlooklikehitler.com/cgi-bin/seigbest.pl
Injustices: Subway Cheese Overlap
Stuff I Find In My House: Naked African Melon Men
Friday, 15 April 2011
Injustices: Laws Againsts Vandalising Hedges
Although I have never actually committed such unlawlful acts. I think it is ridiculous that it is actually possible to be sent to jail after assualting or vandalsing someone's hedge or garden. People have actually been sent to jail before.
Maybe the punishment should be a slap on the wrist or a fine? Jail just seems a little bit too extreme for such a petty and hilarious act.
Maybe the punishment should be a slap on the wrist or a fine? Jail just seems a little bit too extreme for such a petty and hilarious act.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Injustices: Harry Baals
Early 2011, the Fort Wayne officials invited people to suggest names for a new government center. The obvious choice with 23, 862 votes was the "Harry Baals Government Center" named after the late mayor 1934-1947. Unfortunately the current government came to the decision that this hilarious name was "too funny" by denying the "Harry Baals Government Center" they have disgraced the Baals name.
Things must change in Fort Wayne, Indiana. For denying the government centre to have a hilarious name is just undemocratic.
Things must change in Fort Wayne, Indiana. For denying the government centre to have a hilarious name is just undemocratic.
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Truths: The $5 Note Penis Conspiracy
I am hoping you all have a $5 note on you right now. Take the note, turn it vertically and fold at the note just bellow the queens lip. IT LOOKS LIKE A WHALE CHOKING ON A PENIS!!! OUTRAGEOUS!
And The Award Goes To...
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Word Of The Week: Hagelslag
Hagelslag is Dutch for chocolate sprinkles. First invented in 1936 by Gerard de Vries for Venz. Hagelslag is used on bread, but a layer of butter is spread on first to make sure the sprinkles don't fall off. I heavily encourage you all to go buy some. They rock.
On behalf of the entire crew here at The Blog Of Truth And Justice. We would like to welcome you with open arms and give you a big smooch on the cheek.
Now, a lot of you are probably asking "What is The Blog Of Truth And Justice?" Well I can safely say that you lot are going to have to figure that out for yourselves, because im still trying to figure it out. It seemed like a good idea at the time to start a blog...
Well read it up, because there is plenty more to come.
Now, a lot of you are probably asking "What is The Blog Of Truth And Justice?" Well I can safely say that you lot are going to have to figure that out for yourselves, because im still trying to figure it out. It seemed like a good idea at the time to start a blog...
Well read it up, because there is plenty more to come.
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